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Board of Governors


From left to right: Rod Talaifar, Martin Weinberg, Ryan Cohen, Debby Carreau, Ariana Sairafi, Nicolas Jimenez, Dan Sander, Kirsten McElgunn, Adam Hill, Maryam Sherkat, Mohamed Mansour, Pauline Anderson, Dr. Riley Senft, Lydia Ventura Paterson. Missing: Lilian Arishenkoff

The Board of Governors is comprised of between 12 and 15 Governors, including three ex-officio members: the Head of School, the Chair of Parents’ Council, the Chair of the Alumni Association, and between 9 and 12 additional Governors are elected or appointed in accordance with the Bylaws. The Board will determine from time to time how many Governors are to be elected or appointed to serve on the board. All Governors must be at least 21 years of age and at least one half of the Governors must have themselves been, or must have a child or ward who is, a student at the School.

Board Powers and Duties

All Board members are unpaid volunteers who give generously of their time and resources in support of the school. Pursuant to the Societies Act the Governors must manage, or supervise the management of, the affairs of the Society. The Collingwood Society Board embraces the CAIS National Standards of Governance and holds eight meetings annually.

The Society’s Bylaws stipulate that Governors must govern the Society and provide the Board with the following specific powers:

  • hire and terminate the employment of the Head of the School as the Board may deem necessary or desirable from time to time;
  • oversee and approve the level of fees to be charged for tuition; and
  • review and approve the annual budget for the School, as well as any proposed material changes to an approved budget; and
  • delegate to a senior manager of the Society or a committee of the Board such of the powers exercisable by the Board for such time and for such objects and purposes and upon such terms and conditions as they think fit and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary any or all of such delegated powers.

In keeping with the membership requirements of the Canadian Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), the Board oversees the school but remains removed from day to day operations.


Board Committees

Chair of Society - Debby Carreau
Finance Committee - Lydia Ventura Paterson
Foundation Committee - John O'Neill
Governance and Nominating Committee - Nicolas Jimenez
Head Support and Evaluation Committee - Debby Carreau
Human Resources Committee - Mohamed Mansour
Land and Capital Planning Committee - Dan Sander

The Collingwood School Foundation is separate from the Collingwood School Society. The Foundation exists to ensure the long-term financial stability of the school. Along with the responsibility of being the vehicle for donations to the Tartan Fund, the Foundation oversees Major and Planned Gifts and establishes and oversees Endowment Funds which support scholarships, bursaries, enriched academic and special projects that will advance the school. The Foundation is also the custodian of the Capital, Building and Equipment Fund, which provides funding for major capital projects. To learn more, click here.